About Us
Thornbury Kindergarten Inc. is a well-established, community-run kindergarten. It is situated at the northern end of Thornbury, with children from all over the Darebin area enrolled at the Centre.
Thornbury Kindergarten is an incorporated body, which is licensed and subsidised by the Department of Education and Training (DET).
The centre utilises the services of the City of Darebin who operate a central enrolment procedure for all kindergartens in the Darebin region. The Committee of Management comprises a group of parents elected at an Annual General Meeting, and is responsible for the overall running of the kindergarten.
Thornbury Kindergarten has two separate rooms and the two class groups share a roomy outdoor space. The kindergarten sessions include an Out & About program, where children experience learning waiting to happen outside the kinder door (e.g. local parks, at nearby schools, around our neighbourhood) and a Bush Kinder program at the Darebin Parklands site. The City of Darebin owns the building in which Thornbury Kindergarten is located and Council is responsible for the maintenance and general upkeep of the building and grounds.
In 2015 Thornbury Kindergarten was rated as “Exceeding the National Quality Standard” by the Department of Education National Quality Assessment.
Thornbury Kindergarten promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children, including those with a disability, aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.